SikoraArts aims to be the catalyst for the lifelong discovery and exploration of the arts in the Cortland area.

The SA Gallery mission is to support abstract and minimalist artists, and foster the contributions of a creative community.  These artists represent a larger impact on the creative community in Cortland County and Central New York. 

The artists individual visual expressions uniquely differ so much that the viewer might not initially connect their shared perspectives. In a period when arts and culture are being devalued, it becomes urgent to support the survival of the cultural community, for it is through artistic expression that we can explore new ideas and hope for an equitable and just society.

Innovation, though, continues, and the new perspectives and ways of seeing offered by the artists in this exhibition are part of what makes their vision so important and influential. This exhibit is a testament to the tenacity with which our artists are committed to their creativity.

Organization's Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, & Accessibility (IDEA) Statement

SikoraArts as well as our sister organization CortlandMusic, were created expressly for the purpose of inclusiveness. For our organizations the term inclusiveness is not taken lightly, on the contrary, it is used for the purpose of encompassing members, stakeholder and participant community in a common aim: "to make art for the sake of art" without regard for color, race, sexual orientation, age, ethnicity, gender, economic circumstances , religion, or abilities.  At our website we expressly indicate that among our core values is our commitment to inclusiveness and diversity (in the most extensive meaning of the word) and we practice what we preach.
True art encompasses diversity, and the practice of inclusion has always been our foremost strength; for that reason our organization, in the town of Cortland, has always been admired, particularly when the public explores our diverse Board of Directors, our policies and procedures, our programing and the origins of our 501-C organization.
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